Bailey's Furniture E-Commerce


Bailey’s Furniture was looking to compete with national brands in the e-commerce space. They sought Alopex to build a new e-commerce website that would drive online sales and set them apart in the market. We did just that.

Bailey’s Furniture, a local fixture since the 1950s, approached Alopex with a problem: their website was unable to sell products. The ultimate challenge came in the form of STORIS, the inventory management system used by Bailey’s. STORIS is known for being difficult to integrate, but we rose to the challenge. Our team built a website that not only showcased their products but also had the ability to sell them. This set them up for ongoing success in the competitive e-commerce market.

In order to build a successful e-commerce solution for Bailey's, we started by gaining a deep understanding of the company's needs and goals. This involved conducting interviews with stakeholders across Bailey's network, from sales associates to customers, to build a clear picture of what was required. Alopex also conducted a comprehensive competitor analysis to see what other furniture retailers were doing right, and what could be improved upon.

Using this information, Alopex designed a flexible and robust user experience that aimed to improve time on site and product discoverability. The development team also tackled the challenge of integrating the complex inventory management system, STORIS, with the website. This involved optimizing STORIS’ output to work seamlessly with the website interface, which required a high level of technical expertise. The result was a seamless e-commerce solution that allowed Bailey's to compete with national brands and achieve their online sales goals.

Let Alopex take you further.


Alopex noun
Alo•pex əˈlōˌpeks, ˈaləˌp-
: a genus (family Canidae) comprising the arctic foxes
New Latin, from Greek alōpēx fox

Established 2013.
Our team is located in Alaska
Palmer, Alaska 14°F 8:16 hours of daylight today

Alopex noun
Alo•pex əˈlōˌpeks, ˈaləˌp-
: a genus (family Canidae) comprising the arctic foxes
New Latin, from Greek alōpēx fox

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