MTA Foundation


MTA Foundation is MTA’s instrument of funding local learning and innovation. In 2019, MTA approached Alopex with the goal of revitalizing the foundation’s brand and digital presence. MTA is an Alaska company to the core, having even laid telecommunication line down by dogsled.

MTA Foundation is, obviously, an MTA company. Understanding how to keep a common identity between brands, while designing something that could stand on its own was a key consideration in the design process. Alopex worked on a number of initial concepts before working with the PR and Marketing team at MTA directly on final options.

The MTA Foundation website is one of the most interactive and vibrant sites that Alopex has built. This WordPress website features a number of tools for creating interesting front end design elements—for example, the stars on the home page are dynamically generated by donors, and the aurora band sizes are scaled proportional to contribution percentages. One of the primary functions of the website is to allow users to apply for scholarships and grants; handles forms beautifully. Staff can edit, activate and pause forms easily, receiving them in clean, formatted emails. is lighting fast, scoring a 97/100 on Google PageSpeed. The Alopex developers achieve this with some clever tricks—Wordpress is used to generate and manage content, but Gatsby renders a lightweight static website. This is one tactic that Alopex can implement to increase organic site scores.

The MTA Foundation rebranding and subsequent overhauling of its digital presence has been very successful for MTA. The renewal of the way the Foundation is represented has had a major impact in community recognition and engagement. Following the work performed for MTA Foundation, Alopex was awarded the contract for MTA Communications itself.

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Alopex noun
Alo•pex əˈlōˌpeks, ˈaləˌp-
: a genus (family Canidae) comprising the arctic foxes
New Latin, from Greek alōpēx fox

Established 2013.
Our team is located in Alaska
Palmer, Alaska 14°F 8:16 hours of daylight today

Alopex noun
Alo•pex əˈlōˌpeks, ˈaləˌp-
: a genus (family Canidae) comprising the arctic foxes
New Latin, from Greek alōpēx fox

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